Monday (Mini Book Review) Madness

This week I read:

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This one had suspense and intrigue, but I didn’t feel vested in the characters. There were several subplots and plenty of red herrings, but ultimately lacked that little something that would have elevated it from a good mystery thriller to a great one. Recommended for those looking for an easy beach read. Not recommend for those looking for a procedural mystery.
This one seemed to be almost as much about outgrowing old friendships as it was about the murder mystery. There were lots of directions this one could have gone in, and I liked the way the author kept you guessing about who it was who had been murdered for the first half of the book, but the foreshadowing was a little heavy handed and once I knew who the body belonged to, I knew what had happened except for a subplot that came as a surprise. Recommended for those looking for a mystery set in an interesting locale. Not recommended for readers who want likeable characters.

I just started:


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2 thoughts on “Monday (Mini Book Review) Madness

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  1. It is so funny because I am always drawn to your just started books! And after my comment on your last Monday Madness (which I posted like five minutes ago lol) it is so funny that you mentioned the Last House Guest as a beach read. definitely putting that and Hollow Kingdom in my TBR pile! Thanks for the recs! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Last House Guest is one of those books where everyone has to decide for themselves – there are better books depending on what you want – but OMG Hollow Kingdom!!! I LOVED it so much even though it hurt. The full range of emotions, irreverently funny and yet deep! There were some parts I wish weren’t in there, but you should definitely give that one a shot!


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